(858) 859-0530

Can I let you in on a little secret?

Not all chiropractic offices are at the same.

It’s like every profession, there’s good and there’s bad out there.

If you’ve been in one previously and you felt like it just wasn’t a good fit, perhaps it’s time to try a different clinic with a different approach.

Here at The Specific San Diego, we utilize a specialized form of care that focuses on the nervous system.

The nerves are what control and coordinate all the function in the entire body.

And to be honest, there’s only 1,200 doctors in the entire world that specialize in this form of care.

So if someone comes in initially, we have an easy test to verify if this care will be beneficial or not.

If it looks like there a candidate, we’ll go through with a comprehensive initial exam because we want to get a baseline to know what it’s going to take to get to the optimal level of health.

That baseline assessment includes inferred thermography scans, neurological and orthopedic testing, and biomechanical X-rays.

Based off of that, we’ll know what their care is going to look like.

Every single visit, pre and post treatment, we’re utilizing a specific objective measurement to see how the patient is progressing.

Because if you don’t track something, how do you know if you’re seeing any improvement?

This care is so beneficial, and our goal isn’t simply to be a temporary pain relief option.

We believe every person should have the opportunity to live a truly thriving life, and your health is a pivotal foundation point for that.

Life deserves to be enjoyed, not just managed.

So when you’re looking for a chiropractic office, asking questions to better learn the professional specificity and objectivity when addressing your case could be the factor that makes all the difference for the health changes you’re pursuing.