(858) 859-0530

Three T’s that will change your life: thoughts, traumas, and toxins. All of these have a massive impact on the way that our bodies experience stress.

Everything can produce stress.

From work functions, family, school, and food to finances, the list goes on and on — but these things are normal and they shouldn’t stress us out to the point of overwhelm.

When our nervous system experiences external stimuli and it’s not functioning optimally, then we get that uneasy feeling in our gut, the shoulder tightness and tension, and an inability to sleep well.

Eventually this is something that happens every day, and this constant stress grows exhausting and wears us down.

Upper cervical chiropractic care helps alleviate this stress by making sure our nervous system is functioning at 100% so it can adapt and we decrease that negative physical response to stress we experience that’s all too common.

This means relaxed muscles, better sleep, improved digestion, even mental clarity.

If you’ve been struggling with stress, you don’t have to anymore. Unlock your 100% with the power of upper cervical care.