(858) 859-0530

Often people say, “I just had something happen all of a sudden, and now I’ve got this headache. I have this sciatica going on, my back is aching, and I don’t know what I did.”

Just like a toothache that over time happens because of the small cavity that builds and builds and builds and builds, and then eventually becomes that toothache, the spine accumulates micro-traumas.

Its that building of micro-traumas or misalignment of the spine that then stack over time and become bigger and bigger issues that, if gone unchecked, become back pains, headaches, and other ailments. It can manifest in a variety of ways.

We want to go in and make sure we’re taking care of the root cause those problems before they become major issues. If they’ve already become major issues, we’re able to work those down to get you back to feeling great.